My blog

Hi everyone, this is my first attempt at blogging, please be patient with me. I have always been passionately interested in science and always been a committed Christian who believes in the creative power of God, and I honestly believe that the two are not mutually exclusive. I would like to use this blog to explore this relationship.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Food Court Flash Mob: The Hallelujah Chorus

When something brings tears to my eyes, emotional wreck that I am at times, I want to share it.  This is good enough, definitely, to share.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Alex .... as to make the post in your blog I think it would be easy just copy the url of the images and translate it to English. I think this would be my way of thinking ... Your Blog is special too ... much. A blog know that touch the hearts of people, life is not a miracle? items that you bring to the reader certainly always bring a great reflection, I am proud to have a player so far and always present in my writing.